Handling and chasing outstanding invoices can be a time-consuming task for most medical professionals.
Fortunately, MidexPRO has an electronic billing software package that simplifies the process of reimbursement.
As one of the UK’s biggest suppliers of Practice Management software, MidexPRO continues to offer simple solutions to streamline office administration.
In short, one-touch eBilling electronically submits and follows up on claims with health insurance companies monitoring payments received for the services delivered by healthcare professionals.
MidexPRO partners with Healthcode to provide enhanced medical billing services to the independent healthcare sector in the UK. Using Healthcode’s HC Veda validation and electronic bill-clearing system, MidexPRO checks the insurer’s specific validation rules before submission. Once Healthcode has passed and validated the invoice, it is submitted to the insurer for reimbursement enabling the medical professionals and private healthcare businesses to reduce administrative processes, trim down their costs and increase the efficiency of their businesses.
We spoke to Lucy Bettles, Practice Manager at Anaesthetic Group Practice about why they use eBilling and how it has helped them.
She said ‘We are a large group of Anaesthetics using MidexPRO for eBilling medical insurers. MidexPRO itself is very User friendly and if any patient or insurer information is incorrectly added, MidexPRO flags the issues prior to sending it to Healthcode.
We avoid invoices being sent and not being processed, delaying the process of payment.
As a group, we are very grateful to receive payments in as short a time as possible and since using the eBilling functions, the turnaround on payments has been reduced resulting in happier doctors!’
Other Benefits include:
Automated medical billing
This electronic billing feature automates the invoicing and claims processes, reducing potential human error which minimises the rate of rejections by insurance companies. If there is a case where there is a notable error in the claim, it can be reported in a matter of minutes enabling prompt corrections via the MidexPRO ‘Help’ icon. You can check all errors against any codes, prior to resubmitting.
Reduced paperwork
Using electronic billing lessens the need to store paperwork as the claim is filed electronically. In addition to this, an electronic billing system reduces the number of tasks given to administration personnel, enabling healthcare practitioners to free up time, and helping to improve the quality of their services to patients.
Faster payment and better cash flow
As Lucy has mentioned above, one-touch billing can easily validate submitted e-bills according to insurer rules. This will reduce substantial delays in insurance claim payments allowing you to receive an accurate and timely reimbursement from insurance companies.
eBilling can be set up via a HC VEDA account to enable this function from MidexPRO through to Healthcode to work. Register your eBilling Account here to speak to the friendly MidexPRO Support Team to help you enable both systems to ‘speak’ to each other on 0330 999 3399.
This is just one of the functions available to Users. MidexPRO provides several features that automate routine tasks whilst keeping critical information accessible. We are one of the UK’s leading Private Practice Management Software.
Our mission as a company is to ensure that all medical specialities, secretaries, and hospital groups can navigate the system easily and have the functions made available to them to support the smooth and efficient running of your Private Practice and Clinics.
Call the MidexPRO Support Team on 0330 999 3399 or email us at support@midexpro.com for information on eBilling or other functions available to you.