*Third-party fees may apply.
MidexPRO has joined forces with Voodoo to introduce the incredible SMS feature.
This integration, Consultants, Clinicians, and Secretaries can effortlessly remind patients of upcoming appointments, eliminating the need for traditional reminder appointment letters. Embrace the convenience of running a fully paperless clinic and significantly reduce no-shows.
The SMS feature also allows you to send patients secure Payment links for one or multiple invoices. This streamlined approach ensures updates to the Patients’ invoices page happen automatically, saving you precious administrative time.
Voodoo offers a flexible ‘pay as you go’ option on all their credits, giving you control over your budget and communication needs. Read a detailed guide on pricing information here.
For more information about this feature and how it can transform your clinic’s efficiency, feel free to reach out to our dedicated Support team at 0330 999 3399.